In honor of our 20th anniversary and the observance of the holy month of Ramadan, we have compiled a list of a variety of requests that Muslim students or employees can request from their educators or employers.
Accommodation examples to request:
- Flexibility within the work schedule to start later, take more breaks, or finish work earlier
- A quiet clean space for students/employees to pray
- Time off for Eid-Al-Fitr
- Government may not interfere with the autonomy of a religious organization.
- Floating holidays if you are still waiting for the date announcements
- Adjusted or soft deadlines or workload
- Testing accommodations at school based on your needs
- Excused tardies and absences from attendance office
- Work from home options
- Additional breaks to accommodate prayer times
- Resources to educate non-Muslim peers and colleagues about Ramadan and basic Islamic practices
- A policy for promoting respectful behavior during Ramadan at school or in a workplace
- A cultural sensitivity training for teachers and managers
- Volunteer opportunities for students/employees
- Adding Ramadan to official school or workplace calendars
- Sharing this article from NPR (it has pictures!): not-even-water-and-other-things-not-to-say-to-your-muslim-friends-during-ramadan
- Suggesting a district/company wide email acknowledging Ramadan and Eid-Al-Fitr
- Suggesting to your employer to have dates and water available to break your fast if working late
- An opportunity to educate your peers and colleagues about the Ramadan
- Remember: you have the right to religious accommodations at school or in the workplace under Washington state law!
These small changes can become powerful tools of promoting inclusion, understanding, and appreciation within our communities in both academic and professional spaces. Please utilize any of these suggestions and tailor them to your specific needs based on your individual education and work circumstances. If you experience unreasonable difficulty in getting these accommodations approved, please fill out our legal intake form here.