(SEATTLE, WA, 1/25/19) –  Muslim owned restaurants, community groups and religious organizations are organizing to feed federal employees at Sea-Tac Airport on Monday, January 28th , including TSA employees, CBP workers, air traffic controllers, and more. Additionally, regular meal drives and other forms of assistance are being organized by the coalition.

In doing so, this coalition is joining a movement of Americans coming together to help government workers during the longest government shut down in our country’s history.

This is happening even as we mark the two-year anniversary of the introduction of the discriminatory Muslim Ban.


WHAT: Muslim-owned restaurants and community groups to feed federal workers at Sea-Tac Airport

WHEN:Monday, January 28 th 12:00 PM.

WHERE: Sea-Tac Airport

WHO: Juba Restaurant & Café, SeaTac Sweets & Bakery, MAPS-MCRC (Muslim Community Resource Center), The Somali Uber Drivers’ Association of SeaTac, and more

“Our Muslim faith requires that we help and feed those in need,” said Mohamed Sheikh Hassan, a community leader who helped organize the event. “With the government shutdown lasting over a month, we know government employees are suffering, so Muslims across the country have been stepping up to live out their faith values and find ways to help.” He continued, “Hopefully this will inspire others to also help out. Because in the end, we are all inter-connected and have to care for each other.”

“Real people suffer from decisions and policies by the administration – whether the government shutdown or the Muslim Ban,” said Aneelah Afzali, Executive Director of the American Muslim Empowerment Network at the Muslim Association of Puget Sound (MAPS-AMEN). “During these times of crisis, it’s up to us in the community to help and protect each other. Our Muslim faith requires that we help those in need and it’s good to see these examples of faith in action. We hope the government shutdown ends soon, but regardless, we will continue to serve those in need.”

“Our community has experienced profiling at the airport as a result of TSA policies, but we recognize the difference between the workers—who are trying to support themselves and their families without paychecks—and the agency,” said CAIR-WA Executive Director, Masih Fouladi, “Now is a time for all of us to pull together at the community level. Our government might not be able to organize itself on behalf of working families, but we can.”

CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, protect civil rights, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.

La misión de CAIR es proteger las libertades civiles, mejorar la comprensión del Islam, promover la justicia, y empoderar a los musulmanes en los Estados Unidos.

Community leader Mohamed Sheikh Hassan, 206-954-2763
Muslim Association of Puget Sound, Aneelah Afzali, aneelah@mapsredmond.org , 425-577-8146
CAIR-WA Media & Outreach Director Sarah Stuteville, sstuteville@cair.com , 206-403-3931

The Somali Uber Drivers’ Association Representative, Ahmed Mohamed, 206-834-5297.