(SEATTLE, WA, 1/24/19)   Two years ago, the Trump administration first issued an Executive Order that banned foreign nationals from seven predominantly Muslim countries from visiting the United States. In June 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court allowed the current iteration of Trump’s racist Muslim Ban to go into effect. Today this ban is still separating families and hurting communities in Washington.

To commemorate this sad anniversary, community organizations including The Council on American Islamic Relations–WA (CAIR-WA)MAPS-AMEN (American Muslim Empowerment Network)OneAmericaOxfam America and the International Rescue Committee – Seattle are hosting an event on Monday, January 28 to highlight the voices of community members and leaders impacted by the ban and to learn about how we can continue to fight to #RepealtheBan.

WHAT: Conversation with community members impacted by the Muslim Ban and legal experts on how to continue to fight to repeal Muslim Ban

WHEN: Monday, January 28, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

WHERE: St. Joseph Parish, 732 18th Ave East, Seattle, WA 98112

WHO: CAIR-WA, IRC in Seattle, MAPS-AMEN, OneAmerica, Oxfam America and members of communities impacted by the Muslim Ban

MORE INFORMATION: https://www.facebook.com/events/2216715688647623/

“The Muslim Ban separated me from my husband for almost a year,” said Ubah Warsame-Aden, a community member and one of the panelists at the January 28 event. “I also know many other community members who are affected by the Muslim Ban. For two years now, families have been separated who should be together. This separation affects the health and well-being of so many people, and has a devastating impact on entire communities. The discriminatory Muslim Ban is simply immoral and wrong.”

“When the Muslim Ban was first signed by the President, we saw hundreds of thousands of Americans demonstrating at airports because it is a violation of fundamental American values to discriminate on the basis of religion,” said Masih Fouladi, Executive Director of CAIR-WA, “Those same people flooded the polls in 2018 and elected the most diverse congress we have ever seen. It is time for these elected officials to listen to their constituents and repeal the discriminatory Muslim Ban.”

“Two years since the Muslim Ban was introduced, it continues to separate families, deny people medical treatment, and keep those abroad from pursuing deserved opportunities in the U.S.,” said Aneelah Afzali, Executive Director of the American Muslim Empowerment Network at the Muslim Association of Puget Sound (MAPS-AMEN). “This policy does not reflect the values we aim to uphold, and we will continue to seek to #RepealTheBan to uphold our core liberties like religious freedom.”

“The Muslim Ban was wrong two years ago and it’s wrong now. We are distraught that portions of the policy remain in effect. It’s past time to dismantle this discriminatory ban once and for all. We urge Congress to act quickly to undo this discriminatory and un-American ban,” said Julia Fitzpatrick, Advocacy Advisor for Oxfam America in Seattle.

The January 28th event will be held in the Parish Social Hall, located beneath the Church. Its entrance is off of the 19th Ave parking lot. The Social Hall is located on the same level as the parking lot and is accessible to all.

This event is organized jointly by CAIR-WA, IRC in Seattle, MAPS-AMEN, OneAmerica, and Oxfam America, and is generously hosted by St. Joseph Parish.


Sarah Stuteville sStuteville@cair.com 206-403-3931

Adrienne Ramm-Granberg adrienne.ramm-granberg@rescue.org 206-693-3541

Alyssa Eisenstein Alyssa.Eisenstein@Oxfam.org 202-294-9967